Life for older Rohingya in Bangladesh camps

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The situation in Cox’s Bazar is reaching breaking point. Older people are living in overcrowded camps, with toilets that are so shallow that they are overflowing into people’s living spaces.

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Should the UK help older people all over the world?

Carolina and her carer in Mozambique

There has been some media coverage recently suggesting that the UK shouldn’t be helping vulnerable older people in other parts of the world, with some going so far as to suggest that funding for the UK Aid budget should be diverted into funding social care in the UK.

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The role of UK aid in an ageing world

© Ellie Coleman/ HelpAge Internationa

The UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID) is committed to spending 0.7% of gross national income on international aid – a commitment which has been challenged by certain sectors of the UK media. Age International believes that 0.7% is necessary in the context of the enormous changes that are taking place globally – especially global population ageing.

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Why were so many older people killed during the Nepal earthquake?

Dupha's house collapsed during the Nepal Earthquake.

Only 8% of Nepal’s total population are older, and yet 29% of the people killed in the Nepal earthquake of 2015 were older people. Why the huge discrepancy?

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