Violence against women goes uncounted past age 49

Mageni shows the injuries on her face from being attacked.

Women of all ages experience violence and abuse. In order to protect women around the world, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) have set a target to ‘eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls’. However, until now, data has only been collected on women up to the age of 49.

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How are older people being looked after?

An older woman receiving home based care in Myanmar.

Around 300 million people from across the globe are excluded from urgently needed long-term care, a new study from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has revealed.

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Healthy ageing is more than the absence of disease

Veronica, 75, sorts through beans.

An astonishing transformation is taking place that has until now been absent from mainstream development thinking: global ageing.

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WHO Report on Ageing and Health: living longer but not healthier

Lipi visits a doctor in Bangladesh.

People are living longer in both developed and developing countries – but we are not necessarily living healthier longer lives, according to a new report from the The World Health Organisation (WHO).

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Sustainable Development Summit: Age International commends SDG commitment to older people

Veronica, from Mozambique, proudly shows off her cows.

As heads of State and their Governments meet in New York to agree the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we celebrate the fact that older people are included in 15 of the 17 Global Goals – the agenda set to dominate the next 15 years of international and national development.

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