Stories from Lebanon: why healthcare for older Syrian refugees is as vital than ever

An 80 year-old Syrian refugee with a paralyzed leg.

As the Syrian conflict enters its sixth year Age International and our partners are stepping up our work to help even more older people to get access to the life-saving treatment they need.

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How are older people being looked after?

An older woman receiving home based care in Myanmar.

Around 300 million people from across the globe are excluded from urgently needed long-term care, a new study from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has revealed.

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WHO Report on Ageing and Health: living longer but not healthier

Lipi visits a doctor in Bangladesh.

People are living longer in both developed and developing countries – but we are not necessarily living healthier longer lives, according to a new report from the The World Health Organisation (WHO).

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Unprecedented rise of global dementia confirmed

A homecare volunteer helps U Ne Nyunt to eat in Myanmar.

Dementia is on the rise globally, according to the World Alzheimer Report 2015, released to co-inside with World Alzh

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If dementia is stabilising in the West, what does that mean for the developing world?

Daw Khin is a homecare volunteer and visits Daw Tin Hia once a month.

The number of people living with dementia is leveling off in parts of western Europe, according to a new study by the University of Cambridge. However, the study did not take into account the levels of dementia globally – particularly in low and middle-income countries.

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