Why should we care about older women’s work?

Older woman washes clothes

Kate Horstead, Policy Advisor at Age International, a global ageing charity, shares her thoughts on the importance of raising awareness of the critical but invisible unpaid and paid work that older women do in poorer countries.

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50 years since the Dagenham protest: How do we value different kinds of work fairly? 

Dagenham Protest

50 years ago this week, two women walked out of the Ford factory in Dagenham in protest at being paid less than men for equal work. Five decades later and the question remains – how do we value and recognise different kinds of work fairly?   

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Should a girl be valued any less when she grows old?

An older Ethiopian woman and her daughter.

Women and girls are beginning to step out of the shadow of policy, but should a girl be valued any less when she grows old?

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