100-year-old Rohingya refugee flees Myanmar

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Kulle Banu is 100 years old and a Rohingya refugee. Her family carried her to the river and put her on a boat, so she could escape the violence in Myanmar. She shares her story with us here.

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Life for older Rohingya in Bangladesh camps

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The situation in Cox’s Bazar is reaching breaking point. Older people are living in overcrowded camps, with toilets that are so shallow that they are overflowing into people’s living spaces.

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Elderly Rohingya refugees vulnerable, need specialist support

Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya people are fleeing from Myanmar into Bangladesh, to escape life-threatening conflict and violence. Older people caught in this crisis are extremely vulnerable; Age International is working to provide age-friendly aid to older refugees in Cox’s Bazar.

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Food aid delivered in East Africa but crisis remains critical

80 year old Adi receiving haricot beans

Although lives continue to be saved in East Africa, the continuing food crisis shows no signs of abating.  Lucy Billings, Project Officer for Age International, explains why this emergency is proving to be particularly complex.

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What it’s like to be an aid worker in Sierra Leone after Ebola

Glynis Cummings-John

Glynnis Cummings-John, Technical Inclusion Advisor for Age International’s implementing partner HelpAge, moved from the UK to Sierra Leone during the aftermath of Ebola. She has been instrumental in the development of Sierra Leone’s first National Ageing Policy, which will improve the lives of older men and women across the country. But her experience hasn’t been without it’s challenges. We spoke to her about what it’s really like to do that kind of job…

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