Married at 75: how pensions influence more than a person’s income

Kajubi and Nakiwanda in Uganda

When I’m asked to explain how social pensions can mark a turning point for the people receiving them, the story of Kajubi & Nakiwanda in Uganda immediately comes to mind – an older couple who, despite losing everything in the war, are now able to afford the church wedding they had always dreamed of.

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Do cash transfers help older people to access health services? 

‘We found that while cash transfers can have a positive impact on older people’s access to health services, their effectiveness was limited by low coverage and inadequate benefit levels. Improving income security through social protection mechanisms, such as universal pensions, alongside health promotion activities targeted at older people, can provide a useful way for supporting better access to health services.’

In the context of increasing national and international commitment towards achieving universal health coverage, and the need to address ageing and health issues in all countries, cash transfers are a potential strategy in removing some of the barriers to accessing health care for older people. But what does the evidence say?

Flavia Galvani, Social Protection Policy Officer at HelpAge International, discusses Age International’s study into the impact of cash transfers on older people’s access to health, on The Lancet Global Health Blog.

Read full article here: Do cash transfers help older people to access health services? | The Lancet Global Health Blog

How Age International are helping older Syrian refugees

Moustafa and his wife in Syria.

What happens when an older Syrian refugee receives a cash transfer? How do they spend it? What impact does it have on their life? Moustafa, a 62 year old grandfather – who fled from Homs to Jordan – shares his story.

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